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 The Vacations

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Victor B

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PostSubject: The Vacations   The Vacations I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 3:43 pm

The Vacations Arrow
I remember the holiday was when travel MADRID SPAIN, Because change lenguage beautiful places known as the Santiago Bernabeu stadium, the main square, the subway, museum and many other places. Was one of the best trips of my life thanks to the soccer school bounce, because we were representing Colombia in a tournament called Donosty cup. In the tournament played against Real Madrid, Athletic, Real Sociedad l and were in fourth place. Very Happy

Cheap holidays Laughing
Melgar were cheaper holidays, because you do not need much money. Hotels are not expensive. Once I was with my friends and spent eighty thousand dollars and we lasted three days and two nights. Cool Melgar ate, drank, danced, swam these were the activities that most do because we had not much money. Transportation cost fifteen thousand dollars but that I included in the eighty thousand. silent

Possesive jocolor
When i travel, i usually go with my family; my father, my mother, mi sister and my son. In the travel bag i carry my clothes, underwear, shirts, shorts, shoes and sandals. Important for the travel bathing shorts and suncreen, deodorant, and toothbrush. Apart from that the camera, cell phone, wallet with money and legal papers.
king my father and queen mother are about the same. my sister scratch take their cosmetics and electrical items as computers, and flat iron dryer, my son´s clothes, car, diapers, many of baby cosmetics. Embarassed

Carbon footprint No
My carbon footprint is great in some ways, pale I travel a lot by car and taxi and public transport because the bus, transmilenio are very uncomfortable and are more delayed. Cook with gas because it is very cheap and saves a lot of energy, buy food in large supermarkets because they are economical and good quality.
A smaller carbon footprint with the polluter, I travel extensively within the country, because it is inexpensive and fun and I live in a small house because my parents wanted it so. Question

A classmates Experience cheers
But remember the experience that my friend is the first time I drive the car of his father. That day traveling with her sister who was gonna a party at a nightclub in the street 85. cyclops All went well when they arrived at the club at 3 am to go out and desided to the house of the groom's sister who lives in Castile, when they came to Castile collided with another car along Avenida Boyacá. The arrangement of the car cost him $ 800,000 and the father was not returned to provide the car. Suspect

Story Experience rendeer
The history of the best experience of my life begins at the soccer tournament of the Copa Telmex 2010. to re performed throughout Colombia, I played with the team of Cundinamarca. Toren began on March 2 and the final was scheduled for December 20. was the experience I remember the most because we got to the final was played at the Thecho stadium in the city of Bogotá. quindio the opponent was a very good team, were the final champions cheers , we won 3 to 2 and we were by that time we were the best in the country. sunny
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